Established in 2015, Radiation Dosimetry Services Laboratory (RDSL) of Alypz Sdn. Bhd. provides personal and environmental monitoring services to occupationally exposed workers in Malaysia and International, enable workers to monitor their radiation exposures and ensure that their workplace is safe. It is part of Alypz commitment to strengthen the occupational radiation safety by providing sustainable and reliable personnel monitoring services.

e-OSL Portal
As part of our continuous effort to provide you with the best possible service, Radiation Dosimetry Services Laboratory (RDSL) of Alypz Sdn. Bhd. are pleased to announce the launch of our new e-OSL Portal.
You can access to the e-OSL portal in 2 ways:
Visiting our Alypz RDSL site, or
Find the link on the header of this page or the link below.
Credential for login are required and will be emailed by our support team.
Expanding on the capabilities of the Access Dose Evaluation Report, the new portal will improve the service we offer to our clients by increasing transparency, access to information and better management tools.
RDSL is recognized as one of the few dosimetry labs in Malaysia by Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB). RDSL has also been accredited by the Department of Standard Malaysia (SAMM certificate number 396) to meet the requirements of MS ISO / IEC 17025 and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) MRA which proven Alypz RDSL competency and that our results are traceable internationally. RDSL is also registered under Badan Pengawas Badan Nuklir (BAPETEN) Republik Indonesia to operate dosimetry services in Indonesia.

Advantages of OSL
The combination of OSL and Al2O3:C has many advantages:
Non-destructive readout allows for dose verification
Minimal fading
Archiving abilities, for future re-analysis and long term stability.
Function to track exposure over time
Possess 2D barcode to identify dosimeter sensitivity
Uniform sensitivity to eliminate individual correction factor.
Aluminium oxide is not affected by heat or humidity
No annealing and heating required
OSL Offered by Alypz
InLight XA Dosimeter for personal monitoring
Designed to measure radiation exposure of beta, x-ray and gamma radiation.
Filter used: open window, plastic, aluminum and copper.
Sealed in transparent hard case type together with alligator pin.
InLight EX Dosimeter for environmental monitoring
Designed to measure radiation exposure of beta and gamma radiation.
Filter used: open window, plastic and two different thickness of copper.
Sealed in transparent, waterproof plastic pouch.