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As part of continued progress to achieve our vision, Alypz since 2020 has introduced a new department. Product Surveillance Services has always been a part of Alypz but it is now made to be on its own as we recognize the importance of this service.

Services Offered


Mercury Integrated

Alypz Sdn Bhd approaches Mercury Integrated Services with state-of-the-art instrumentation and internationally experienced contaminants specialist team under the guidance of a Mercury Subject Matter Expert (SME) to ensure that the mercury data equates to a mercury management plan (MMP) in order to ensure problems and solutions are identified thereby nurturing a safe and healthy workplace along with maximum commercial value to corporations.

We have the experience to provide solutions for every mercury and contaminants related application you may have, either on or off site. Whether the sample be natural gas, condensate, crude oil, drinking water, wastewater, soil/sediment or sludge/debris in vessel cleaning (or virtually anything else). Alypz have the knowledge and expertise to provide a solution.


Hazardous Decontamination

Alypz’s Mercury Integrated Services (MIS) and Decontamination (Decon) team use a hybrid solution approach which incorporates a combination of compound specific wet chemistry, specialised equipment, mechanical, and semi-automation steps (job dependent) to ensure personnel working in the contaminated “hot” zone area and equipment are safe as soon as scientifically possible.

Alypz’s MIS & Decon team have multitude years of experience and technical knowledge in mercury, radiation decontamination, generic hydrocarbon cleaning, chemical cleaning, waste management/reduction as well other related services.


Multiphase streams, mercury, naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), H2S and other toxic compounds contamination of hydrocarbon gas, condensate, oil & produced waters have negative commercial, HSE, asset integrity, and legal impact for all producers therefore its paramount such parameters are sampled and reported accurately. Up to 90% of errors are made at this stage due lack of understanding.

Alypz Sdn Bhd approaches Field Operations with state-of-the-art instrumentation and internationally experienced contaminants specialist team under the guidance of a contaminants consultant to ensure that the Field Operations data equates to meaningful information to ensure problems and solutions are identified thereby nurturing a safe and healthy workplace along with maximum commercial value to corporations.

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Mercury and HAZMAT
Awareness Training

The Mercury and Hazardous Materials Awareness Training course involves 1st half day of classroom-based theory, case studies and emphasis on mercury awareness plus it’s respective regulations. The second half of the day involves detailed information on Mercury Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) both theoretical and practical applications. Theory of Mercury Decontamination and Waste Handling Process will be covered inclusive of handling, loading, transportation and methods such as labels and markings.

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© 2017 by amir_mazlan & Alypz

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